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Understanding IELTS and TOEFL Essay Rubrics

IELTS and TOEFL essay rubrics As teachers, it is helpful to use IELTS and TOEFL essay rubrics to guide our students to get top scores on their independent essays. However, sometimes […]

4 Ways to Decolonize Your English Classes

In today’s world, it’s hard to deny that the ability to speak English can offer students real professional and academic advantages.  However, English education as an institution, has a dark […]

School for Sale in Japan – Gamagori, Aichi

Starting a school is super hard, so it might be worth looking to buy a school that is already running and has students. Here’s a school like that!
Happy Kids English School

Multi-Level ESL Classes: Teaching Strategies

teaching multi-level ESL classes

Multi-Level ESL Classes: Teaching Strategies When I began my first position teaching English as a Second Language, I hadn’t anticipated some of the challenges I would face teaching multi-level ESL […]