The EFL Magazine Entrepreneur Conference

Get More leads Through Linkedin

In this video, you'll discover the simplest (and most repeatable) system for creating compelling and high converting sales messages for any purpose.

How to Create a Profitable & Sustainable Week

In this session, you'll receive practical, actionable steps to design a profitable week for you and your business that doesn't lead to burnout.

How to Attract Premium Clients/Students

Three reasons why you’re faced with tire kickers and bargain basement buyers, and how to consistently fill your schedule with serious, motivated, and ambitious long term paying clients/students

How to Build a Scalable ESL Business Using a Podcast and Content Marketing

You are ready to build your online ESL business but how do you get customers? You need a reliable marketing channel that attracts high-quality fans that share your content and customers that convert. In this session, Lindsay McMahon, co-host of the All Ears English Podcast will show you how she launched one of the most popular ESL podcasts which now reaches a worldwide global audience and achieves more than 7 million downloads monthly.

Making the Numbers Work: Taking a Small Business From 0 to Profitable

Identifying potential market size, converting website visits to inquiries to customers, allocating budgets for marketing, or determining staff salaries. Small business success is about getting the numbers right. Data-driven thinking doesn't come naturally to many small business owners and sometimes, if they're very new, they don't even know what numbers they need. This presentation will walk through what key metrics are important to any business and how to manage them towards profitability

How to Run an International Organisation

Entrepreneurship goes far beyond starting a business. Successful entrepreneurs constantly seek marketplace opportunities. They inspire change through innovation, problem-solving, and readiness to develop, and in doing so, create value. In this session, we will share the experience and success story of a language school turned international publisher

Traditional Coaching - Can it Get Results You Want?

Why traditional coaching is not suited to the fast-paced world of today.

You’ll get to experience a shift in your thinking by using both the old style and a better approach to coaching in this interactive session. 

You’ll leave with a new impression of what coaching is and how one idea can be worth multiple times the investment in coaching. 

Hopefully you’ll get at least one takeaway that could boost your business to the next level

The Keys to Building a Successful ELT Business

In this session, Philip Pound chats with school owner, entrepreneur, and angel investor, Dean Rogers about how he has built his ELT business in Japan and what skills, knowledge, and mindset entrepreneurs need in order to acheive success in their businesses.