Thank you for coming to EFL Magazine. We hope you enjoy your visit and keep coming back. It’s our aim to make EFL Magazine the place to go if you’re an English Language teacher. We plan to get the best information to you in the form of articles, audio and video. We aim to make your life better as a teacher and we want you to access the best people possible from the field of language learning.
We recognise that you are a native English teacher, a non-native teacher, a director of studies, a publishing professional, a recruiter,a university lecturer, a small/large business owner, a student, a traveller to name but a few. Our aim is to address you, your problems,frustrations and hopes.
EFL Magazine will continue to grow and change, and we’ll endeavour to listen to and acknowledge your views. In this regard, we hope to build a community around EFL Magazine, a community where you have a part to play. We plan to cover as much of the world of English teaching as possible, and to feature what matters to you wherever you are.
EFL Magazine exists because of you and the contributors to the magazine. We exist for each other. It’s our job to develop and sustain this relationship.
Please feel free to get in contact with us and tell us how we’re doing
Nicky Sekino
Hello Philip, A good friend of mine Mark has told me about you and your site. I like it because it is down to earth yet serious. I am a teacher of English. Mark has told me about your interests in the education campaign I have, which is for the better quality of English education and others. I name my association Drive for Quality Education of English. Nicky
Philip Pound
Hi Nicky, Thanks for your good wishes. Iactually attended one of your training sessions at the ETJ event in Kanda last year. Mark told me about you. Sorry for my late reply. Philip