English for Innovation
English for Innovation In the spoken word video The People vs. the School System, Prince Ea quotes the famous maxim that “if you judge a fish by its ability to […]
Daniel Xerri is a lecturer in TESOL at the University of Malta, the Joint > Coordinator of the IATEFL Research SIG, and the chairperson of the ELT > Council within the Ministry for Education and Employment in Malta. He holds > postgraduate degrees in English and Applied Linguistics, as well as a PhD > in Education from the University of York. He has been awarded a number of > international grants in order to conduct research in the United Kingdom, > Australia, and the USA. He is the author of many publications on different > areas of education and TESOL, including articles published in *ELT > Journal*, *English in Education*, and *International Journal of Research > and Method in Education*. His main research interests are creativity and > teacher education. Further details about his talks and publications can be > found at: www.danielxerri.com
English for Innovation In the spoken word video The People vs. the School System, Prince Ea quotes the famous maxim that “if you judge a fish by its ability to […]