Activities to Improve English Listening Skills

Activities to Improve English Listening Skills Listening is of course a vital skill to develop to enable our students’ language abilities and course book writers are right to include a […]
Nik Peachey is the author of Digital Video - A manual for language teachers: , Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers: , Co-editor of Creativity in the English language classroom: and also writes two blogs about technology in Education: Learning technology: QuickShout: He started working as a teacher in the early 90s and has worked all over the world as a teacher , CELTA and DELTA trainer as well as a technology trainer and project manager. He has worked for most of the established ELT publishers as well as companies like International House, British Council and Google. He is now Head of Learning at an online school called EnglishUp and publishes his own materials and lesson plans on TES resources:
Activities to Improve English Listening Skills Listening is of course a vital skill to develop to enable our students’ language abilities and course book writers are right to include a […]