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MakeBeliefsComix FILL-ins You supply the words to complete this book! This do-it-yourself comic e-book provides a place where you can give MakeBeliefsComix characters your own words and thoughts. In this comic book, unlike any others you’ve read, you’ll get to decide what happens and have the final say. All you need to do is just follow the prompts and fill in the talk and thought balloons to determine what characters say and think.
Many of the fill-in pages are funny, and some are also serious. Many are about family and friends or other people you know. Others are about your dreams, the things that give you pleasure and even the things that puzzle or worry you. You see, this is a real-life comic book. This book provides a safe space for you to express many of the feelings and thoughts that are inside you waiting to be revealed and which make you special. You can write silly things, you can write serious thoughts; just write what is in your heart. And as you fill in the pages, you will also learn a lot about yourself, and what makes you YOU.
One thing that the pages share in this book is that they are all incomplete. They need your good thoughts, your personal words to be finished. All you need to enjoy this book is your wonderful imagination.


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