Really Learn the Most Useful Telephoning Phrases is a new approach to learning real-life, practical, everyday English. Most self-study books have page after page of exercises on new language that you quickly do, quickly check the answers to, and then are just as quickly forget. This book takes the opposite approach.
Really Learn the Most Useful Telephoning Phrases is carefully focussed on making sure that you completely memorise and can perfectly use the most important phrases for starting and ending phone calls smoothly and politely, putting people through, leaving and taking messages, and dealing with communication problems, for both receiving and making business and personal calls.
Really Learn the Most Useful Telephoning Phrases is carefully focussed on making sure that you completely memorise and can perfectly use the most important phrases for starting and ending phone calls smoothly and politely, putting people through, leaving and taking messages, and dealing with communication problems, for both receiving and making business and personal calls.
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