Multi-Level ESL Classes: Teaching Strategies

teaching multi-level ESL classes

Multi-Level ESL Classes: Teaching Strategies When I began my first position teaching English as a Second Language, I hadn’t anticipated some of the challenges I would face teaching multi-level ESL […]

The Teacher Self-Care Manual by Patrice Palmer

The Teacher Self-Care Manual by Patrice Palmer

A Book Review by Hall Houston The Teacher Self-Care Manual is a brief but substantial introduction to self-care, specifically written for teachers. Palmer makes it clear in the book’s introduction […]

The Value of Attending Conferences

The Value of Attending Conferences

Having been fortunate enough to attend a number of ELT conferences this year, I have decided to provide an overview of the last two, namely the IATEFL Hungary conference entitled […]

Teacher self-care is a thing?

Teacher self-care is a thing?

Yes, it is a thing. An important thing. By Patrice Palmer I recently attended the TESOL Convention where I had a conversation with a teacher about the work that I’m […]

Post Academy Life

post academy teacher

By Troy Nahumko Open a job search for ESL job openings around the world at any time of the year and a sunny southern corner of Europe is bound to […]

What’s Your Teaching Identity? Book Review

Your Teaching Identity

What’s Your Teaching Identity? Book Review Why do English teachers need to have a fully-fledged identity both as professionals and as members of the human race? How does a strong […]