Hiring a TEFL Teacher Who’s World-Class
Hiring a TEFL Teacher Who’s World-Class Hiring a TEFL teacher is a big responsibility. But hiring someone you’ve never met in ‘real life’ and persuading them to fly halfway around […]
Connected Speech: What Happens During Ordinary, Spontaneous Speech?
“A word is not just the sum of its individual sounds; just as connected speech is not just the sum of its individual words.” (Underhill, 1994 p. 58) Why do […]
Incorporating the Best-Available Social Network into your Course Design
By: Elliot Patton When I came to Japan to teach at my current university in 2011, the application known as LINE did not yet exist. At that time, many students […]
The Great Brexit Balls Up for ELT
Across the UK, English schools are standing empty, and teachers are being made redundant in increasing numbers. Host families are genuinely worried about keeping up with their mortgages, and many […]
Super Tutors: Are They Reshaping EFL?
Super Tutors: Are They Reshaping EFL? Over the past few years, there has been a dramatic increase in the prevalence of private tutors, both globally and the UK. It remains […]
Interview with Steve Hirschorn
by Sharyn Collins 40 years teaching and training, specialist in the history of ELT methodology, mentor to countless teachers and trainers, still innovating and poking the traditional ELT bear! […]
The Gaming of the IELTS Test
by David Buckley For the last 20 years, there has been a sharp rise in the number of Chinese students taking the IELTS test every year. Last year alone, half […]
What Generates the Global Desire to Learn and Speak English……?
By Peter Read As EFL teachers the world over, we are acutely aware that English is the world’s dominant language and is spoken by an estimated 400 million people throughout […]
Interview with Arkady Zilberman
Creator of the Training English Skills System by Sharyn Collins Hello Arkady, thank you very much for doing this interview. You seem to have had a very interesting life. Where […]
Phil Wade Interviews: Matthew Armstrong
Phil Wade Interviews: Matthew Armstrong Mathew has been teaching in Beijing for nearly five years. He has a CELTA from Language Link, Beijing and a Trinity DipTESOL from Oxford House, […]