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English Teaching in Japan: My Experience

English teaching in Japan

English Teaching in Japan: My Experience When I started pondering what I could share about teaching English in Japan, I felt uneasy. My story is experienced within and limited by […]

Teaching in Korean Universities

Teaching in Korean Universities

Teaching in Korean Universities As I end my 20th year in Korea, and my 18th as a Professor at a University in Seoul, I have been reflecting on what life […]

Ten Pre-Listening Activities

Ten Pre-Listening Activities

Ten Pre-Listening Activities In my previous article for EFL Magazine, I described the features of the three stages of a listening lesson (pre-listening, while-listening, and post-listening). In this article, I […]

The Lexical Approach – A Beginners’ Guide

Beginners Guide To The Lexical Approach

The Lexical Approach – A beginners Guide The term “teaching lexically” was coined by Hugh Dellar and Andrew Walkley, coursebook writers (Innovations, Outcomes) and teacher trainers (LexicalLab), who have proudly taken over from the […]

The Three Stages Of A Listening Activity

The Three Stages Of A Listening Activity

The Three Stages of a Listening Activity In this article, I will present the three stages of a listening activity, and present some basic suggestions for each stage. “Okay students, […]

Celpe-Bras: Ideas for English Language Testing

Celpe Bras

Celpe-Bras: Ideas for English Language Testing Celpe-Bras stands for Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (in English: Portuguese Language Proficiency Exam for Foreigners). It is the only proficiency […]