Promoting Learner Autonomy in One-to-One Lessons
Promoting Learner Autonomy in One-to-One Lessons Have you ever had the feeling that there’s not much left for you to do but watch your student’s rapid growth resulting from his […]
One-to-One Teaching – Managing Time
One-to-One Teaching – Managing Time You often hear from teachers how overwhelmed they are by spending long hours on lesson preparation and not having enough time during classes to do […]
Total Physical Response and Situational Language Teaching
Total Physical Response and Situational Language Teaching Total physical response method is a structural method of language teaching based on the innatist language learning theory. Focus is placed on grammar structures and […]
Constructivist Theory, Connection and Rubrics
Teachers are “vehicles of power”. Teachers must provide circumstances for students to accomplish empowerment. It is only possible when we as teachers take a critical stance to our activities. Most […]
The Value of Attending Conferences
Having been fortunate enough to attend a number of ELT conferences this year, I have decided to provide an overview of the last two, namely the IATEFL Hungary conference entitled […]
Engaging Students in an Intensive Reading Class
by Sandi Ferdiansyah Reading in English as a second or foreign language can become a daunting task for language learners. In fact, they need to deal with a bundle of […]
ESL Writing Activities – Some Tips for the Teacher
ESL Writing Activities – Some Tips for the Teacher Even with the most imaginative class preparation or the latest technology, teachers and students are often left with a barrage of […]
Using News to Teach English Online
Using News to Teach English Online Classes Learner autonomy entails nothing other than allowing learners their choices of materials and tasks that match their interests, learning preferences and language abilities […]
Reconsidering the Role of the Teacher
by Michael Fletcher As a zealous, overly-confident, but ultimately well-intentioned newly qualified teacher, I cherished the responsibility of attending parent’s evening, primarily due to the sense of significance it afforded […]
Modern Radio: Exploiting Podcasts in the EFL Classroom
Modern Radio: Exploiting Podcasts in the EFL Classroom Door to door, it takes me about an hour and five minutes to get to work every day. Without podcasts, my 52-minute […]