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Teaching English for Job Hunting

Teaching English for job hunting

Teaching English for Job Hunting In 9 years of teaching Job skills to Korean university students, I have seen almost every mistake possible. Based on this experience, and experience from […]

Icebreaker Activities for EFL Students

It’s advisable to use icebreaker activities or “getting to know you” activities, so that students can become more familiar with each other and get along better as the course progresses. […]

Activities to Learn Students’ Names

Activities to learn students’ names When you start teaching a new group of students, it’s important to begin learning their names right away. As Lang (2020) puts it, “learning and […]

The Future of English Language Teaching is Liberal Arts

Our disrupted world is poised for more disruption. New technologies have already upended many industries and professions. English language teaching and education more generally have not been an exception. Language […]

Academic English Collocations: ColloCaid


Academic English Collocations: ColloCaid Teachers, editors, proof-readers, or indeed anyone who regularly reviews texts can confirm that many writers struggle when choosing word combinations which sound natural. In general, choosing […]

Teaching Paraphrasing to ESL Writing Students

how to teach paraphrasing

Teaching Paraphrasing to ESL Writing Students Learning to write academically in English is a huge challenge for second language students. While they must deal with complex syntactical structures and academic […]