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There’s nothing like a Royal ‘Visit’

There's nothing like a Royal ‘Visit’

by Peter Read How often is it that, as a TEFL teacher, one is faced with a classroom of otherwise polite, enthusiastic students, small groups or individuals, who are proficient […]

Beyond the “Square Mile”

Beyond the “Square Mile”

By Peter Read Teaching Modern Business English in a rapidly changing global market – the need to adopt a practical approach. Teaching Modern Business English is, as anyone involved will […]

Implementing The Lexical Approach

Implementing the Lexical Approach Nowadays nobody denies the importance of teaching ready-made phrases or chunks. They form the basis of the lexical approach. There are also other words for chunks […]

One-to-One: Creating Comfort

One-to-One: Creating Comfort In the purely linguistic sense, the notion of creating comfort is pretty much the same in one-to-one and group contexts. It is linked to the concept called […]