CELTA Tips for ESL Teachers
CELTA Tips for ESL Teachers ESL teaching is such a deep ocean that every time you plunge into it, you come out possessing something new. That possession could totally be […]
ESL Critical Thinking Activities for Gen Z
ESL Critical Thinking Activities for Gen Z Generation Z, born in the period from 1995 to 2010, succeeding the Millennials, is currently within the educational process or has just started […]
Meditate Your Way to English
A long time ago I realised that empowering my students is my mission. I use various resources to achieve this: inspirational stories, videos, poems, and songs, to name but a […]
Engaging Students in an Intensive Reading Class
by Sandi Ferdiansyah Reading in English as a second or foreign language can become a daunting task for language learners. In fact, they need to deal with a bundle of […]
Songs to Teach English – The Beatles
Songs to Teach English – The Beatles Recent surveys, such as Kaplan (2013) , have shown that, in the ELT classroom, music is the most popularly used form of all media types […]
Socratic Discussion for ESL Classes
Socratic Discussion for ESL Classes Students love to talk. It’s usually a classroom occurrence that a teacher wants to curb but there are times when talking in the classroom can […]
Language Coaching in the 21st Century
Language Coaching in the 21st Century This article aims to provide an overview of language coaching today and clarify its role in EFL. There is a buzz in the EFL […]
A Paradigm-Shift in English Teaching in Pakistan
Teacher friendly English classrooms by Irum Butt Most Pakistani English language classrooms (PELCs) use the traditional lecture method (Waseem, 2009), or teacherexplanation along with the whole-class teaching strategies. Though, the […]
Pedagogy of The Oppressed: A Book Review
Pedagogy of The Oppressed: A Book Review 2016 was the year of social justice. IATEFL showcased a talk by J.J. Wilson promoting the work of famed Brazilian pedagogue Paulo Freire. […]
National Geographic’s “Life, Vietnam Edition”: First Impressions
by Alistair Elliott Life in Vietnam: As with many developing countries, Vietnam is continuing to make a significant push to improve its English language skills. From the early 1990s, the […]