Working with the Achuar in the Deep Amazon

Working with the Achuar in the Deep Amazon

Working with the Achuar in the Deep Amazon “Wiyu and Leon are well, they are happy”, says Cristóbal on Facebook and even though the message is a mix of Spanish […]

What’s Your Teaching Identity? Book Review

Your Teaching Identity

What’s Your Teaching Identity? Book Review Why do English teachers need to have a fully-fledged identity both as professionals and as members of the human race? How does a strong […]

Book Review: A-Z of Intercultural Communication

Book Review: A-Z of Intercultural Communication

Applying the results of intercultural studies for the purposes of international communication has become an exciting area for EFL learners and teachers alike. Whether for the purpose of achieving a […]

Teach English in Ecuador: A Brief Guide

Teach English in Ecuador

Teach English in Ecuador: A Brief Guide English is a global language, a true Lingua Franca, and this applies to Ecuador as well. The government is keen on improving the […]