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Tips for Teaching TOEFL Online 2022

Tips for Teaching TOEFL Online

Tips for Teaching TOEFL Online 2022 During a panel discussion included in EFL Magazine’s TOEFL Training Summit last week, participants were asked about possible gaps in the TOEFL training market […]

A Short Guide to Acronyms in ELT

Acronyms in ELT

Acronyms in ELT: What they mean and where and how they are used.  Like any profession or field, the teaching of English has evolved and developed a whole range of […]

Interactional Competence – Three Classroom Activities

Interactional Competence

Interactional Competence – Three Classroom Activities Most EFL teachers are probably familiar with the stilted nature of the learner to learner conversational interaction. Low confidence, lack of vocabulary or grammar […]

Trends in EFL Teaching, 2021

With the vast changes in teaching and learning that have literally been forced upon educators since early 2020, we as language teachers must stay focused upon our goal: to meaningfully […]

7 More Favourite EFL Books


EFL Magazine is delighted to highlight 7 EFL Books suggestions which we hope may be useful to you all.  A big EFL Magazine Thank You! to our 7 book reviewers […]

Becoming an Online Teaching Entrepreneur

Today’s guest is Rob Howard. Rob chats about his background growing up in a family business and how this prepared him for a life in entrepreneurship. Rob also gives some […]

Top 10 Books for New ELT Teachers

Books for EFL Teachers

Top 10 Books for New ELT Teachers There is always help and advice available on books for ELT teachers. Whether it is from Facebook groups, forums or from colleagues, you […]

Hiring a TEFL Teacher Who’s World-Class

Hiring a Teacher

Hiring a TEFL Teacher Who’s World-Class Hiring a TEFL teacher is a big responsibility. But hiring someone you’ve never met in ‘real life’ and persuading them to fly halfway around […]