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Cubing: Recharging the Power of Brainstorming

“My family had to escape from our country because of it.” My EAP (English for Academic Purposes) class had ‘cubed’ the lesson topic – describing, comparing, analysing, arguing, telling a […]

4 Ways to Decolonize Your English Classes

In today’s world, it’s hard to deny that the ability to speak English can offer students real professional and academic advantages.  However, English education as an institution, has a dark […]

Making the Most Out of Your Coursebooks

Making the Most Out of Your Coursebooks

The role of coursebooks in EFL is a topic of some controversy.  For many, language books form the backbone of their curriculums, and some EFL teachers have a strong loyalty […]

How to Use Scratch in The Classroom

Scratch classroom

How to Use Scratch in The Classroom Today In this article you will get knowledge about How to use scratch in the EFL Classroom Creating learning environments that are engaging and […]