Hiring a TEFL Teacher Who’s World-Class

Hiring a Teacher

Hiring a TEFL Teacher Who’s World-Class Hiring a TEFL teacher is a big responsibility. But hiring someone you’ve never met in ‘real life’ and persuading them to fly halfway around […]

Constructivist Theory, Connection and Rubrics

Constructivism in English Language Teaching

Teachers are “vehicles of power”. Teachers must provide circumstances for students to accomplish empowerment. It is only possible when we as teachers take a critical stance to our activities. Most […]

Why Languages Don’t Need Grammar Rules

Grammar Rules

It is pointless to learn languages using grammar rules. Looking for a common denominator or a formula is a mathematical operation that makes no sense in languages.

5 Steps to Designing Equitable Instruction

5 Steps to Designing Equitable Instruction: Applying Universal Design for Learning in the English as a Foreign Language Classroom Classrooms across the world are becoming more diverse due to global […]

Our Thoughts Have No Official Language

Our Thoughts Have No Official Language

Our Thoughts Have No Official Language: “I have to stop thinking in my native language”. This is one of the sentences most commonly heard by every language teacher (mainly in […]

Dealing with Emotions in Language Learning

Language Learning

Emotions in Language Learning: The main challenge of learning a new language is to face scenarios where that language is naturally spoken. Just thinking about that, learners usually feel a […]

My A-Z of Teaching English in Korea and Vietnam

My A-Z of Teaching English in Korea and Vietnam

My A-Z of Teaching English in Korea and Vietnam There are an estimated 250,000 native English speakers teaching English as a foreign language in over 40,000 institutions.  Although the world […]