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Teach English with Minecraft

Teaching English with Minecraft

Teach English with Minecraft Even if you have absolutely no interest in computer games, you have probably heard about Minecraft. If you teach or have kids, you have probably heard […]

Starting a School in Japan – Introduction

For foreigners living in Japan, starting your own language school has to be the most common business considered, attempted and, in varying degrees, failed at. While the market for another English school seems to be saturated, there are many opportunities for hard-working, entrepreneurial minded foreigners in Japan.

Building Rapport with Students – 10 Strategies

Building Rapport with Students – 10 Strategies Remember their names Sometimes we think the most magical words a student can ever hear are ‘that’s all for today’, but actually the […]

How to Use Scratch in The Classroom

Scratch classroom

How to Use Scratch in The Classroom Today In this article you will get knowledge about How to use scratch in the EFL Classroom Creating learning environments that are engaging and […]

Teaching English without a Book – EFL

Teaching English without a book

Time to stop quoting sentence fragments from a book! Find out Teaching English without a book with these foolproof tips from a teaching legend. The main idea of this research […]

Multi-Level ESL Classes: Teaching Strategies

teaching multi-level ESL classes

Multi-Level ESL Classes: Teaching Strategies When I began my first position teaching English as a Second Language, I hadn’t anticipated some of the challenges I would face teaching multi-level ESL […]

Academic English Collocations: ColloCaid


Academic English Collocations: ColloCaid Teachers, editors, proof-readers, or indeed anyone who regularly reviews texts can confirm that many writers struggle when choosing word combinations which sound natural. In general, choosing […]