Synthetic Phonics for EFL/ESL Learners

Synthetic Phonics

Let us begin with the most basic question: what exactly is “synthetic phonics”? To “synthesize” means to combine parts or elements together. Using the term “to synthesize” in a literacy […]

How to Use Scratch in The Classroom

Scratch classroom

How to Use Scratch in The Classroom Today In this article you will get knowledge about How to use scratch in the EFL Classroom Creating learning environments that are engaging and […]

A Short Guide to Acronyms in ELT

Acronyms in ELT

Acronyms in ELT: What they mean and where and how they are used.  Like any profession or field, the teaching of English has evolved and developed a whole range of […]

In Defence of Rhetoric in the EFL Classroom

Rhetoric is a fringe subject in ELT. This is evident from its sparse inclusion in pedagogical ELT books. When included it is always in disguise: English for persuasion, developing an […]