Synthetic Phonics for EFL/ESL Learners

Synthetic Phonics

Let us begin with the most basic question: what exactly is “synthetic phonics”? To “synthesize” means to combine parts or elements together. Using the term “to synthesize” in a literacy […]

School for Sale in Japan – Gamagori, Aichi

Starting a school is super hard, so it might be worth looking to buy a school that is already running and has students. Here’s a school like that!
Happy Kids English School

Learning to Read English

read English

Reading is a simple task for most people. But ask them how they learnt to read English, and they have trouble remembering. Here are some easy steps. Spoken language Practice […]

Lifting a Fourth-Grade Language Learner

Lifting a fourth-grade language learner

By Fred Gamble According to Pellino (2012, para. 1), “Students with English as a second language (ESL) constitute a significant percentage of the population of our nation’s schools. This population […]

Using PWIM to Teach Vocabulary


Using PWIM to Teach Vocabulary PWIM, or Picture-Word Inductive Model (Calhoun, 1999) is a strategy that uses pictures as a starting point from which to teach a variety of English […]