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Using News to Teach English Online

News to teach English

Using News to Teach English Online Classes Learner autonomy entails nothing other than allowing learners their choices of materials and tasks that match their interests, learning preferences and language abilities […]

Sentence Structure with a Dash of Zombie

Sentence Structure with a Dash of Zombie

By Terry McLean As an English as an Additional Language (EAL) teacher, I find that many students struggle with the use of sentence variety. The following information and advice is […]

Planning a Successful Demo Lesson

Planning a Successful Demo Lesson

Demo Lesson A demo lesson can be nightmare, especially if you are a shiny, new teacher trying to land your first job. Some people stress over it and compare it […]

What I learnt from Jeremy Harmer

What I learnt from Jeremy Harmer

About the role of course books in the modern age Helbling Languages – Books and Bits (joint professional development event) by Erzsébet Békés As background music, I have Sona Jobarteh […]

A Journey through the Language of Our Business

A Journey through the Language of Our Business

A Journey through the Language of Our Business Business language, like all language, evolves over time and reflects and shapes its environment. Having identified various strains of business language, I […]

Memory and Language Learning

Memory and Language Learning Many language learners blame their learning problems  on a poor memory. In fact many give up just for that reason. The reality is that poor memory […]