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The Growth Mindset and Language Learning

The Growth Mindset and Language Learning Luckily, there are a host of easy ways to slip in the growth mindset in education .Any teacher knows that one of the biggest […]

Edinburgh’s EFL revival?

Following the twin blows of Covid and Brexit, there are signs of renewed life in Edinburgh’s EFL scene. While several schools have closed for good in the last three years, […]

Cubing: Recharging the Power of Brainstorming

“My family had to escape from our country because of it.” My EAP (English for Academic Purposes) class had ‘cubed’ the lesson topic – describing, comparing, analysing, arguing, telling a […]

Interactive Exercises & Resources for ESL Online

Interactive exercises are the first thing that come to mind for people when they think about how to teach interactively. Language teaching is when students click, move things with their […]

Making the Most Out of Your Coursebooks

Making the Most Out of Your Coursebooks

The role of coursebooks in EFL is a topic of some controversy.  For many, language books form the backbone of their curriculums, and some EFL teachers have a strong loyalty […]

Social Reform, ‘Woke’ and ELT


‘Woke’ activists have been telling us to ‘wake up’ for the past two years: Wake up to issues of discrimination concerning gender, sexual orientation (LGBT) and race. Meanwhile, the ‘‘cancel […]

Interactional Competence – Three Classroom Activities

Interactional Competence

Interactional Competence – Three Classroom Activities Most EFL teachers are probably familiar with the stilted nature of the learner to learner conversational interaction. Low confidence, lack of vocabulary or grammar […]