Phil Wade Interviews: Simon Greenall

Phil Wade Interviews: Simon Greenall

Phil Wade Interviews: Simon Greenall Simon Greenall has been an ELT textbook writer since 1982, is a past president of IATEFL and is currently an IH Trustee. He was on […]

A talk about IELTS with Fabiana Traversin

. IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. It is accepted by the governments in Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Interest in the exam has […]

Phil Wade Interviews: Dan Frost

Phil Wade Interviews: Dan Frost

Phil Wade Interviews: Dan Frost Dan Frost has a French doctorate in English for Specific Purposes and Teaching Theory. After reading Languages and Linguistics at York University, he taught English […]

How to Find a Job Teaching English

How To Find a Job Teaching English

How To Find a Job Teaching English I work as an ELT teacher trainer and consultant now, but in the past I worked for several years as a teacher recruiter […]

Using First Language In the Classroom

Using First Language In the Classroom

Using First Language in the Classroom When I was first thinking of advertising my services as a young one-to-one teacher I decided to read some advertisements by my colleagues to […]

Putting Teachers Back In The Driver’s Seat

Putting Teachers Back In The Driver

Putting Teachers Back In The Driver’s Seat Teachers can and should become materials writers, but they need support to expand their skill set Recently, I read an article written by […]

Book Review: The Book of Pronunciation

The Book of Pronunciation

The Book of Pronunciation When I was first doing my CELTA course in Seoul, South Korea, I learnt lots of new techniques and ideas which I could use in my […]