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ESL Exam Questions and How to Write Them

ESL Exam Questions

ESL Exam Questions and How to Write Them I have lost track of the number of times I have heard students complain that the exam was too ‘tough’ or that […]

Moodle Online Classes – My Experience

Moodle online classes

Moodle Online Classes – My Experience Moodle is a perfect platform to house paid and free courses. Teaching online differs from teaching face-to-face in the traditional classroom. Online courses in […]

E-learning Design Principles

E-learning Design Principles “Life is a travelling to the edge of knowledge, then a leap taken.” -D.H. Lawrence Online teaching and elearning design are fascinating niches for those who like […]

Should I Mind My Own Beeswax?

Should I mind my own Beeswax

Should I mind my own Beeswax? WELL, EXCUSE ME! I made the mistake today of commenting on a colleague’s Facebook post, an English teacher from Russia, mentioning that the expression […]

How to Get Students to Speak in Class

How to Get Students to Speak in Class

How to Get Students to Speak in Class How to get students to speak in class ? Despite  Steven Krashen’s famous methodology of language acquisition, in which he claims students […]

Teaching English in China: My Story

Teaching English in China

Teaching English in China What is it really like teaching Chinese students? What’s it like Teaching English in China? These were questions I had never considered until I went to […]

How To Become A Published Author

How To Become A Published Author

How to become a published author How to become a published author? You’re an ELT teacher and you’ve been teaching now for a number of years. You feel confident in […]

Collocations Lesson – How to Teach

collocations lesson

Collocations Lesson – How to Teach In my previous article for, Taking a Chunk out of Vocabulary: Using Collocations (2015), I examined what collocation is and the benefits of […]

Write Right: Teaching Composition Skills

Teaching Composition Skills

Teaching composition skills Nine years ago, I found myself having to rediscover how to teach writing to sophomores and higher level students for the first time since I did my […]