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Super Tutors: Are They Reshaping EFL?


Super Tutors: Are They Reshaping EFL? Over the past few years, there has been a dramatic increase in the prevalence of private tutors, both globally and the UK. It remains […]

Elocution Teaching and Its Place in ELT

Elocution Teaching

Elocution Teaching and Its Place in ELT Tiptoeing through the minefield of international business communication in itself is already stressful enough, as speaking another language is not merely about learning […]

An Interview with John F. Faneslow

An Interview with John F. Faneslow

With Alexandra Chistyakova Interview with John F. Fanselow, professor emeritus at Teachers College, Columbia University, USA, and a faculty member of the International Teacher Education Institute (iTDi). John F. Fanselow […]

Socratic Discussion for ESL Classes

Socratic discussion

Socratic Discussion for ESL Classes Students love to talk. It’s usually a classroom occurrence that a teacher wants to curb but there are times when talking in the classroom can […]

How to Improve TOEFL Listening Scores

How to Improve TOEFL Listening Scores

By Josh MacPherson, Head Instructor at TST Prep You’re stuck. And, you can’t seem to improve your TOEFL Listening test scores. On top of all that,you have read the books, […]