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7 More Favourite EFL Books


EFL Magazine is delighted to highlight 7 EFL Books suggestions which we hope may be useful to you all.  A big EFL Magazine Thank You! to our 7 book reviewers […]

Top 10 Books for New ELT Teachers

Books for EFL Teachers

Top 10 Books for New ELT Teachers There is always help and advice available on books for ELT teachers. Whether it is from Facebook groups, forums or from colleagues, you […]

In Defence of Rhetoric in the EFL Classroom

Rhetoric is a fringe subject in ELT. This is evident from its sparse inclusion in pedagogical ELT books. When included it is always in disguise: English for persuasion, developing an […]

Dealing with Emotions in Language Learning

Language Learning

Emotions in Language Learning: The main challenge of learning a new language is to face scenarios where that language is naturally spoken. Just thinking about that, learners usually feel a […]

Using Gboard in Language Learning Settings

Using Gboard

With the advent of CALL (computer assisted language learning) in educational settings, a proliferation of experimental studies has addressed possible novel uses of cutting-edge gadgets and software in language classes. […]

How to Teach IELTS Speaking

How to Teach IELTS Speaking

How to Teach IELTS Speaking When you have to prepare your students for the IELTS exam, you’re up for a task that is far from easy, especially when it comes […]

Using Checklists in the Classroom

In Praise of the Humble Checklist

Using Checklists in the Classroom Explicit teaching is good teaching. The less students have to guess in terms of what they are expected to do, the more brainpower they can […]

Providing Consistent and Robust Input


How to compete with the internet and games. In the world, as we live in today, in which almost every person we have as a student has the chance to […]