H5P for Online English Teaching

H5P for Online English Teaching We are now living in an age where direct instruction is becoming passé. In Spring 2018, I created a questionnaire for 84 students and student […]
Learner Autonomy in The Classroom – A Case Study

Learner Autonomy in The Classroom – A Case Study Have you ever realized that some amazing things have happened completely unintentionally during our teaching practice, so spontaneously but yet so […]
IELTS Tips from Fabiana Traversin

IELTS Tips from Fabiana Traversin IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. It is accepted by the governments in Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Interest […]
NLP and Its Use in the Classroom

NLP and Its Use in the Classroom ‘The map is not the territory: we all have different maps of the world.’ This phrase used by NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practitioners nicely […]
Flipped Classroom ESL/EFL- Is It Relevant?

Flipped Classroom ESL/EFL – Is It Relevant? There is a lot of interest in the idea of the Flipped Classroom. It was even mentioned in the Horizon Report for Higher […]
Teach Verb Conjugation in English

Teach Verb Conjugation in English Many years ago, I was sitting in our teachers’ room, quietly planning my lessons. Outside in the corridor, I could hear somebody pacing up and […]
Teaching English with Pictures – 3 Activities

Teaching English with Pictures Summer is upon us, in the Northern hemisphere, so I’ve decided to give you some ideas that can be used in summer schools as well as regular […]
How to Write an IELTS Essay – Tips from an ESL Teacher

How to Write an IELTS Essay – Tips from an ESL Teacher: As an ESL teacher, I have coached hundreds of students and working professionals who aspired to study or […]
Elocution Teaching and Its Place in ELT

Elocution Teaching and Its Place in ELT Tiptoeing through the minefield of international business communication in itself is already stressful enough, as speaking another language is not merely about learning […]
Musical English – Teaching through Musicals

Musical English – Teaching through Musicals As a teacher, I often wondered how to inspire my students to love school and to encourage them to develop their skills and discover […]