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IELTS Speaking Band Descriptors: an Introduction

IELTS Speaking band descriptors

IELTS Speaking Band Descriptors: An Introduction What is IELTS? If you’ve never heard of IELTS, you’ll probably come across it sooner or later – it’s the world’s most popular English […]

Teaching English for Job Hunting

Teaching English for job hunting

Teaching English for Job Hunting In 9 years of teaching Job skills to Korean university students, I have seen almost every mistake possible. Based on this experience, and experience from […]

Warmers for English Lessons

Warmers for English Lessons

Warmers for English Lessons I have attended language classes of several types, covering both my native language and the foreign languages I speak. One thing sets some classes apart from […]

One-to-One Teaching – Managing Time

one-to-one teaching

One-to-One Teaching – Managing Time You often hear from teachers how overwhelmed they are by spending long hours on lesson preparation and not having enough time during classes to do […]

Total Physical Response and Situational Language Teaching

Total Physical Response

Total Physical Response and Situational Language Teaching Total physical response method is a structural method of language teaching based on the innatist language learning theory. Focus is placed on grammar structures and […]

Teach Business English with Mind Maps

Teach Business English

Teach Business English with Mind Maps A mind map is an invaluable tool to teach business English. A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information. It starts […]