How to Choose ELT Coursebooks or Materials

ELT Coursebooks

There are so many different coursebooks, worksheets and other resources available for teaching English nowadays; how can teachers or directors of study choose which ones to use?   Additionally, as other […]

Advice for New TEFL Teachers

Advice for beginner teachers

Advice for New TEFL Teachers Are you looking Advice for Beginner Teachers? EFL Magazine recently posed a challenge of writing ’10 pieces of advice for beginner teachers’ to teachers. Who […]

Using Checklists in the Classroom

In Praise of the Humble Checklist

Using Checklists in the Classroom Explicit teaching is good teaching. The less students have to guess in terms of what they are expected to do, the more brainpower they can […]

The Value of Attending Conferences

The Value of Attending Conferences

Having been fortunate enough to attend a number of ELT conferences this year, I have decided to provide an overview of the last two, namely the IATEFL Hungary conference entitled […]

Book Review: Raise Up

Book Review: Raise Up

By T. Veigga I believe the most honest way of starting this review is by stating that it is going to be  biased. I know both writers of Raise Up […]