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The Post Pandemic Student 

Like many others, I was looking forward to the return to face-to-face classes after COVID 19 had peaked and most of us were vaccinated. Most of my colleagues and I […]

How to Use Scratch in The Classroom

Scratch classroom

How to Use Scratch in The Classroom Today In this article you will get knowledge about How to use scratch in the EFL Classroom Creating learning environments that are engaging and […]

Hybrid Classes Pros and Cons

Hybrid classes pros and cons

Hybrid Classes Pros and Cons In this article I outline the lessons I’ve learned from my hybrid classes in 2020.Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) is the correct term for what many […]

Teaching ESL on Zoom – 3 Underused Features

Teaching ESL on Zoom

Teaching ESL on Zoom – 3 Underused Features The internet abounds with stories of teachers moving their lessons online; they reflect on their experiences, and then they write about them.  […]

Using Mobile Technology in the Classroom

Mobile Technology

Mobile technology is an almost inescapable aspect of our contemporary culture. It seems that with very few exceptions, most aspects of our lives can be enhanced, supported, and occasionally disrupted […]

Great Online Tools for Teaching

More Resources for Your Online Teaching

Great Online Tools for Teaching First, there was a delay. Then, there was a decision to go online for two weeks. Now, it looks like I may never actually meet […]

Personalised Teaching for Online Classes

Personalised Teaching for Online Classes

 Personalised Teaching for Online Classes English language teachers around the world are quickly transitioning from f2f teaching formats to video platforms and online learning management systems. The COVID 19 pandemic […]

Some Online Resources for Teaching English

Online Resources for Teaching English

Online Resources for Teaching English First, there was a delay. Then, there was a decision to go online for two weeks. Now, it looks like I may never actually meet […]