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Edinburgh’s EFL revival?

Following the twin blows of Covid and Brexit, there are signs of renewed life in Edinburgh’s EFL scene. While several schools have closed for good in the last three years, […]

4 Ways to Decolonize Your English Classes

In today’s world, it’s hard to deny that the ability to speak English can offer students real professional and academic advantages.  However, English education as an institution, has a dark […]

Extralocal! Extralocal! Read All About It!

No, you did not misread the title. I can hear you now. You are asking yourself, “Should the phrase not be ‘Extra! Extra! Read all about it!’?” With a quick […]

Social Reform, ‘Woke’ and ELT


‘Woke’ activists have been telling us to ‘wake up’ for the past two years: Wake up to issues of discrimination concerning gender, sexual orientation (LGBT) and race. Meanwhile, the ‘‘cancel […]

The Future of English Language Teaching is Liberal Arts

Our disrupted world is poised for more disruption. New technologies have already upended many industries and professions. English language teaching and education more generally have not been an exception. Language […]