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Teaching English for Job Hunting

Teaching English for job hunting

Teaching English for Job Hunting In 9 years of teaching Job skills to Korean university students, I have seen almost every mistake possible. Based on this experience, and experience from […]

Noonchi (Nunchi) Primer for Teachers in Korea

Understanding Noonchi (Nunchi) Culture for Teachers in Korea

 Noonchi (Nunchi) Primer for Teachers in Korea For many generations, Koreans have placed great emphasis on age and social status. This has arisen from the influence of Confucianism and the […]

The Post Pandemic Student 

Like many others, I was looking forward to the return to face-to-face classes after COVID 19 had peaked and most of us were vaccinated. Most of my colleagues and I […]

4 Ways to Decolonize Your English Classes

In today’s world, it’s hard to deny that the ability to speak English can offer students real professional and academic advantages.  However, English education as an institution, has a dark […]

Tips for Teaching TOEFL Online 2022

Tips for Teaching TOEFL Online

Tips for Teaching TOEFL Online 2022 During a panel discussion included in EFL Magazine’s TOEFL Training Summit last week, participants were asked about possible gaps in the TOEFL training market […]

A Short Guide to Acronyms in ELT

Acronyms in ELT

Acronyms in ELT: What they mean and where and how they are used.  Like any profession or field, the teaching of English has evolved and developed a whole range of […]

Teach English through Humour – 5 Ways How

Teach English through Humour. I cringed at what the teacher had done: laughed at a student. It’s fun sometimes to joke about students when they’re in on the joke. “Hey. […]