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Fluency MC – Teaching Phrasal Verbs with Rap

There is virtually no limit to the number of communicative activities you can do with a music video, both in and out of the classroom. Below is a procedure I like to follow with high-beginners for my tune and video, “Turn It On”, produced by Simple English Videos. If you try it out, please let me know how it goes-ditto if you try something of your own!

Fluency MC – Teaching Phrasal Verbs with Rap

With a cell phone (or other object(s)) elicit the following phrasal verbs by performing gestures.

Take it out of your pocket; then put it in

Put it down on the table; then pick it up

Put it on your head; then take it off

Turn it on; then turn it off

Turn it up; then turn it down


Repeat Step 1, saying the verbs and having the students shadow (repeat after) you.


Play the video.

Ask students to watch and listen.

Pass out the complete lyrics.

Go over any new vocabulary. Chant the lines of the song, one by one, at a comfortable speed, with students shadowing you. Pay close attention to the rhythm (stress marked in bold).


Play the video again.

Give students the choice of reading the lyrics from the handout or from the video. They can rap if they want to (but don’t pressure them).


Put students in pairs or small groups to do Steps 1 and 2.


  • Pass out the gap-fill lyrics. In class or at home, students (1) watch and listen, filling in the missing words as best they can and (2) mark the stress in the words. Pause or repeat whenever necessary and check work with the complete lyrics.


  • Play the video again, this time encouraging everyone to rap. Give students the choice of reading the lyrics from the handout or from the video.

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