Our Experience of Job Shadowing in Schools

Our Experience of Job Shadowing in Schools

by Suzana Poljak At the very beginning of an Erasmus+ programme, teachers in the Primary School, Juraj Dobrila in Rovinj in Croatia were given an opportunity to widen their horizons […]

Jungle Job

Jungle Job

by Elizabeth Bekes “And the Wachirpas shaman, Sumpa is also coming at the weekend,” I tell my daughter during our Sunday walk by the Tomebamba river and she laughs out […]

My DELTA Diary: Module 2 Intensive Course

My DELTA Diary: Module 2 Intensive Course

by Paul Finnerty I’ve been teaching English for about seven years on and off and have worked in Brazil, Colombia, Portugal and Italy in that time. To be honest, I […]

A Short Overview of English Language Learning in India

A Short Overview of English Language Learning in India

by Anita Chakrabarti Children from the Avantskill initiative which works towards empowering the underprivileged through English language teaching in India. English Language was introduced to India in the 1830s during […]